Target Completion Dates

Caring more for quality than for arbitrary deadlines, we will postpone the release of any or all of the following rather than rush our books into print before another delay would make them significantly better. Nevertheless, for purposes of resource prioritization, we must maintain target dates, which we periodically update.


An Accelerated Course in Miracles
June 4, 2011
An Accelerated Course in Miracles (AACIM)
, edited and powerfully revised by Thomas E. Uharriet, is a vast improvement over A Course in Miracles (ACIM), released decades ago. To read about the newly improved book, please visit



The twelve volume Christian Enlightenment (CE) series, by Thomas E. Uharriet, has been long in the making. Volumes 7-9 were begun in the 80's. Volumes 1-6 have been in progress over the past seven years. Volumes 10 and 11 are still in the information-gathering stage, and volume 12 has not yet been started. Writing and/or rewriting the series concurrently allows each volume to refer you to each of the other volumes, developing concepts from volume to volume.

Literature of Revealed Divinity
May 24, 2012
Literature of Revealed Divinity (LoRD)
discusses inspiration, channeling, and other forms of revelation that had led to scriptures or sacred books, and explains how we can benefit from all sacred texts throughout the world. LoRD discusses and samples several texts, including The Holy Bible, The Kobrin Bible, The Bhagavad Gita, The Book of Mormon, The Haggadah, The Tao, and many other books esteemed as sacred by millions of followers. LoRD is the first book of the Christian Enlightenment series (CE 1).

The Unified Field of Loving Intelligence
November 11, 2012
The Unified Field of Loving Intelligence
explores God's omniscience and agency, and how God works through a loving energy field that creates and sustains the universe and everything in it, and how we are made of the same eternal element. Through that field, of which everything consists, we are all one, all united in Christ. Perceiving this universal connection eliminates the illusion of separation from God, and of division from any others. It teaches us to love all others as ourselves. The Unified Field of Loving Intelligence is the second book of the Christian Enlightenment series (CE 2).

Father Judges No One
April 6, 2013
Jesus said, "The Father judgeth no man, but hath committed all judgment to the Son" (John 5:22). Father Judges No One shows how all of God's judgment occurs naturally through the light of Christ. We are "judged" by how the light within us resonates with eternal glory. This book discusses the nature of sin, addictions to pain, and blessings of weaknesses. It shows us how to deal with adversity, rule our own emotions, and become free of judgment. It shows how everyone--whatever their final judgment--is eternally of the body of Christ.
Father Judges No One is the third book of the Christian Enlightenment series (CE 3).

No Such Thing as Righteous Pride
October 4, 2013
No Such Thing as Righteous Pride shows the symbiotic, and sometimes competitive, relationship between the church and the priesthood, and between the church and the gospel. It shows how pride has infiltrated our institutions, and how the pure love of Christ can heal them. It is the same for us personally. This book teaches liberation in Christ, showing us how to get beyond the trappings of the dead law by making us alive in Christ, freeing us from our pride and fear. No Such Thing as Righteous Pride is the fourth book of the Christian Enlightenment series (CE 4).

The Truth is Within Us
April 3, 2014
The Truth is Within Us
reminds us that our true nature is alive in Christ. This volume helps us shift from our dependence on external law and internal fear, to deep sustaining internal love. We receive the experiences we need, depending on what resonates with us, and what emotions we trap inside. We can raise our own spiritual frequencies through repentance and forgiveness, and by ending our internal battles. This book trains us to act consciously, in full accord with the light of Christ within. It teaches us to love fully. The Truth is Within Us is the fifth book of the Christian Enlightenment series (CE 5).

Our Conversion to Joy
September 19, 2014
Our Conversion to Joy explores the illusion of space and time, teaching us to act where we are, and to enjoy the now. It teaches principles of the quiet mind, and the power of praise and gratitude. The book shows how to take control of our lives through personal responsibility and flexibility. It teaches us that our conversion to joy begins with comprehending and believing, which we put into motion through doing, which produces experiential knowledge, ultimately culminating in our own joyous being. Our Conversion to Joy is the sixth book of the Christian Enlightenment series (CE 6).

In Similitude of Jesus Christ
January 29, 2015
In Similitude of Jesus Christ explores the roots of Christianity, focusing largely on Biblical practices, particularly sacrificial offerings, which prepared the Children of Israel for the Christian era. By applying present principles of Christian enlightenment to the practices of old, we can glean insights from them that are useful to us today. The book takes us from Adam to Moses, from Moses to Jesus, and from Biblical times to the present, and beyond, to see how their rituals point us to our liberation in Christ. In Similitude of Jesus Christ is the seventh book of the Christian Enlightenment series (CE 7).

Communion with Christ
July 4, 2015
Communion with Christ
discusses what it means to commune with God, and God’s children, and explores the implications of the communal meal, the sacrament of the Lord’s Supper. We consider this ordinance as administered in various religions, ancient and modern, and become more aware of its symbolic connections to the practices of the patriarchs and prophets of old, and also to its prophetic future. This volume also details practical insights showing the who, what, when, where, why, and how of the sacrament today. Communion with Christ is the eighth book of the Christian Enlightenment series (CE 8).

Christ Is Creating This World
November 11, 2015
Christ Is Creating This World
shows that the work of creation is still in progress. This book looks at various accounts of the creation, and shows the world's progression through the fall and atonement. The book begins by looking back to what we normally think of as the creation, but then looks forward prophetically to see the creation of this living planet continue its spiritual progression into realms of eternal glory. Christ Is Creating This World is the ninth book of the Christian Enlightenment series (CE 9).

The Faith of Christ
August 6, 2015
The Faith of Christ
explains that by developing our faith in Christ, we gradually obtain the faith of Christ. Faith is the first, most basic, principle of the gospel, and, in its mature form, is also the most powerful in manifesting the miraculous power of God in our lives. We first set out to strengthen our faith in an external power, and gradually transition that power into becoming more like Jesus Christ who is self-sustaining. The Faith of Christ is the tenth book of the Christian Enlightenment series (CE 10).

We Co-Create Our Own Lives
August 6, 2016
We Co-Create Our Own Lives
, building on the foundation of the ten previous books in the series, is intended to be the most powerful catalyst for transforming experiences. Although the entire series is aimed at personal spiritual transformation, until this volume, those life-changes have been generally guided, taking you from principle to principle. This book, intended exclusively for those who have already done all of that inner-work, is to take you to the next level, which is more deliberate in your own transforming process. We Co-Create Our Own Lives is the eleventh book of the Christian Enlightenment series (CE 11).

Discussing Christian Enlightenment
April 6, 2017
Discussing Christian Enlightenment
is based on public discussions, blogs, seminars, and feedback from the first eleven books in this series. As participants consider the concepts presented, and perhaps take each of them to a deeper level of awareness, or to a higher level of application, this feedback will become the basis of this volume. Many such comments will be combined to form generally uncredited insights. Comments that are particularly meaningful or unusual will be credited. Discussing Christian Enlightenment
is the twelfth book of the Christian Enlightenment series (CE 12).